Musica aeterna
Peter Zajíček – artistic leader, conductor
Czech Ensemble Baroque Choir
Tereza Válková – choirmaster
Sophie Daneman – soprán
Frithjof Smith – kornet
André Campra – Les Festes Vénitiennes, inštrumentálna suita
Michel Lambert – Vos mépris chaque jour, air de cour
Jean-Baptiste Lully – Trop indiscret Amour z diela Ballet des Muses
Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Sans frayeur dans ce bois, chaconne H. 467
Jean-Baptiste Lully – Chantons tous en ce jour, chaconne / Grand Chœur from Act V. , Scene 5. from Amadis, tragedie en musique after Philippe Quinault
Egon Krák – Hushed-up Muses / Les muses muselées, Lyrical Tragedy Concerto after Horace and Ovid (p r e m i e r e)
The concert presenting the music of French Baroque and Slovak modernism is a reminiscence of the termination of the Great War in European historical context, evoking the symbolical image of hushed-up muses… Muses will accompany us from the majestically gorgeous music coming into existence in “The Age of Luis XIV” (Voltaire) to the vocal cycle Hushed-up Muses (2018), the soloist of which will be the enchanting British soprano Sophie Daneman.