Dear Slovak Philharmonic visitors,
We invite you to watch the festive holiday concerts online. Due to the current pandemic situation, this year’s Slovak Philharmonic Christmas, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Concert will take place without you and your applause, in an empty Concert Hall. We will bring you the atmosphere of the Christmas and New Year holidays online.
You can follow popular Christmas melodies from the comfort of your home at stream.filharmonia.sk.
The New Year’s Eve concert will be broadcasted at stream.filharmonia.sk on Friday, December 31st, 2021 at 4 PM and the New Year’s concert on Sunday, January 2nd, 2022 at 7 PM.
To refund your Admission purchased online through the Portal navstevnik.sk, please proceed as follows:
• Directly at the Slovak Philarmonic Ticket Office presenting tickets printed.
• By e-mail at vstupenky@filharmonia.sk.
Refund requests must be accompanied by tickets, preferably in PDF form along with the transaction detail confirmation, clearly indicating the amount, date and account number of the payer (the whole IBAN, BIC/SWIFT code).
The payment will be transferred to your account number provided.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year 2020 along with wonderful concert experience and look forward to seeing you in 2022!
Your Slovak Philharmonic