Loïc Mallié Lászlo Fassang Monika Melcová, presenter |
Johann Sebastian Bach Olivier Messiaen Paraphrases on Slovak folk songs Improvisational duet on a given text |
Fantasia and Fugue in G minor BWV 542 L’Ascension |
Improvisational projects have been in the centre of public and musicians’ attention since the time immemorial. Such concerts are not exception even today in reputable concert halls in Paris, in Mariinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg) or in Tokyo Suntory Hall. Pianists, organists, singers or chamber ensembles meet and improvise music on given attractive themes. The BMF offers a similar concert; organ literature, namely by Bach and Messiaen, will be used in an ‘improvisational duel’, in which top performers will communicate – Loïc Mallié, the successor of Olivier Messiaen at St. Trinité in Paris, and László Fassang, the winner of the competition in Calgary and the holder of Grand Prix de Chartres. We will have an opportunity to judge how they cope with subjects from classical music, as well as tunes of Slovak folk songs and musical riddles. Slovak organist Monika Melcová, active in Paris and in San Sebastian, will commentate on the concert. |

Organ Duel
Sunday, October 5, 2014, 11:00 AM, BHS – Bratislava Music Festival
Concert Hall of SPh, Season 2014/2015
Price: 16, 12, 8 €