Thierry Escaich, Romain Leleu

CANCELED Organ Recital I – Thierry Escaich, Romain Leleu

Sunday, November 15, 2020, 4:00 PM, O Organ Concerts Cycle
Concert Hall of SPh,
Thierry Escaich organ
Romain Leleu trumpet
Vassily Brandt
Reinhold Glière
Louis Vierne
Thierry Escaich
Camille Saint-Saëns
Thierry Escaich
Sergei Rachmaninoff
Thierry Escaich
Erik Satie
Amilcare Ponchielli
Concertpiece No. 2, Op. 12
Concerto for Coloratura Soprano and Orchestra, Op. 82, Mov. 1
Romance and Finale from Organ Symphony No. 4 in G minor, Op. 32
Mon coeursʼouvre à ta voix, ária from Samson and Delilah, Op. 47
Vocalise, Op. 34 No. 14
Improvisation on a Given Subject
Je te veux
Theme and Variations