Slovak Philharmonic
Emmanuel Villaume – conductor
Emmanuel Ceysson – harp
Eugen Suchoň – Overture To Stodola`s Drama King Svätopluk op. 10, No. 1 ESD 56
Henriette Renié – Harp Concerto in C minor
Gustav Mahler – Symphony No. 1 in D major Titan
Admission 30, 26, 20 € Tickets
This year’s festival will be opened by the work of Eugen Suchoň, the top representative of the founding generation of Slovak national music and the creator of the national opera. This year we commemorate 30 years from the death of the composer. Maestro Suchoň was closely connected with the history of the Slovak Philharmonic and our festival; in 1966–1970 he was the chairman of the BMF Committee. Suchoň was captivated not only by the topic but also the moral message of Svätopluk’s reign, which is demonstrated by his overture to Ivan Stodola’s drama.
Delivered by the French soloist Emmanuel Ceysson, belonging to the most brilliant world performers of harp music, we will listen to the Slovak premiere of a work by his compatriot, the composer Henriette Renié. The opening concert conducted by the former music director of the Slovak Philharmonic Emmanuel Villaume will be concluded by Mahler’s monumental First Symphony “Titan”.

Emmanuel Ceysson, photo Dario Acosta

Slovak Philharmonic, photo Peter Brenkus