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January 9th 2025 Auditions for the Soprano Singer
Slovak Philharmonic CEO announces auditions for the Slovak Philharmonic Choir:
- Soprano Singer
Base salary € 1 100 (The above salary represents the minimum guaranteed amount applicable to the position, the actual salary will be adjusted depending on the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate.)
Auditions will be held at the Slovak Philharmonic Choir Rehearsal Room, Medená 3, 816 01 Bratislava
on January 9th (Thursday) 2025, 1.30 PM
(Slovensky) Pod taktovkou Petra Breinera
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(Slovensky) Slovenská filharmónia bude plná detí a mladých umelcov
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(Slovensky) Talianska klaviristka Mariangela Vacatello debutovo v Malej sále SF
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(Slovensky) Slovenská filharmónia a Slovenský filharmonický zbor v Slovenskej filharmónii a Dóme sv. Štefana vo Viedni
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(Slovensky) FILHARMONICKÁ ŠKÔLKA pokračuje aj v 76. koncertnej sezóne
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(Slovensky) OZNAM – zmena termínu koncertu
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(Slovensky) NOVEMBER – DECEMBER v bratislavskej REDUTE
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(Slovensky) Symfonické koncerty Slovenskej filharmónie v Koncertnej sieni SF, stretnutie so šéfdirigentom Danielom Raiskinom a turné do Nemecka
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